Greece, Cyprus push for sanctions against Turkey - Beacon


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Greece, Cyprus push for sanctions against Turkey

Political relations between Turkey and the EU have reached a new low after the Turkish government sent seismic survey ships into Mediterranean waters claimed by Cyprus and Greece. Both countries are now calling on the EU’s leaders to approve sanctions against Turkey at a summit meeting next week. 

European warships are also attempting to enforce an arms embargo on war-torn Libya, where Turkey is supporting the Tripoli government.

Tensions flared between Turkey and the EU on Nov. 22 after a German warship partaking in Operation Irini, an EU maritime initiative enforcing the UN embargo, attempted to search a Turkish-flagged cargo ship bound for Libya.

Turkey has faced criticism over its stance in a maritime territorial dispute with fellow NATO member Greece and its support for Azerbaijan in the recently revived conflict with Armenia over a disputed enclave.

Turkey withdrew a seismic survey ship from waters contested with EU members Greece and Cyprus earlier this week. It has also called on Greece to enter talks to discuss wide-ranging problems between the two governments. The neighbours have been embroiled in a military and political standoff over territory since August.

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