Erdogan's secret links to Daesh - Beacon


Monday, December 28, 2020

Erdogan's secret links to Daesh

Maj. Ahmet Ozcan, a top military intelligence officer in Turkey claimed explosions in Turkish military arms depots were staged to erase the tracks of weaponry provided by the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Daesh terrorist organization.

Ozcan told the court in a prepared statement that explosions branded as accidents in Turkish military arms depots were orchestrated to fix the problem of arms missing from the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK).

“If you go online and watch Daesh propaganda videos, you can easily see the logo of Turkey’s state-owned Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation (MKE) on ammunition crates. It wouldn’t take much to look for evidence,” Ozcan said.

As an official at a key intelligence center in the Turkish capital, Ozcan was in a position to access confidential information. He knew much about the Erdoğan government’s secret links to al-Qaeda groups and Daesh, mostly using the Turkish intelligence agency MIT as a conduit.

The MKE was also under the spotlight during a 2013 criminal investigation into an al-Qaeda network in Turkey which revealed that terrorists obtained ingredients to produce sarin gas. 

Previously, Erdogan’s close association with terrorist groups has been confirmed by various reports. Daesh, in particular, has been reported to be involved in commercial deals with Turkey, including the purchase of stolen oil from Syria and Iraq. 

Turkey has become a breeding ground for terrorists who reportedly receive funding, support and training on the country’s territory to commit crimes in the region.

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