Qatar's scandals in financing terrorism will not end - Beacon


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Qatar's scandals in financing terrorism will not end

The Black Record of Qatar's Support for Terrorism ... It is time to pay the price

Qatar's funding of extremists, in the Arab world and beyond, is no longer a secret for most of the people of the Middle East. However, last week, new details emerged about Doha's suspicious actions abroad.

According to the German newspaper Die Zeit, Doha funds Hezbollah and its activities, as Iran established the Lebanese Armed Group in the 1980s as its proxy and an organization allied with the Syrian regime.

The information was leaked by Detective Jason, who was working as a contractor in Doha. He said Qatar had promised him 750,000 euros (3.1 million dirhams) with the sole aim of concealing the evidence he had gathered regarding the small emirate's support for Hezbollah. The negotiations failed between the two parties, and the details of the relationship between Doha and Hezbollah ended up being revealed.

According to the article, this disclosure demonstrates that Qatar is continuing its strategy to destabilize the region and fund extremists who threaten peace in their countries and beyond. In fact, this scheme appears to have expanded. Last year, the Qatar Papers book, by two French journalists, revealed Qatari funding for the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe.

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