UAE welcomes UN vote granting Palestine full membership - Beacon


Sunday, May 12, 2024

UAE welcomes UN vote granting Palestine full membership

UAE  supports UN vote in favor of Palestine

The UAE has welcomed the vote by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) that supports a Palestinian bid to become a full UN member, adding that the resolution constitutes a “historic step” towards peace and achieving a two-state solution.

“The UAE welcomed the vote by the United Nations General Assembly with an overwhelming majority of votes in favor of supporting granting the State of Palestine full membership and requesting the Security Council reconsider the State of Palestine’s application for membership,” the UAE’s foreign ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

It added: “The Resolution constitutes a historic step towards the path towards peace and achieving the two-State solution.”

The UNGA on Friday backed a Palestinian bid to become a full UN member by recognizing it as qualified to join and recommended the UN Security Council to “reconsider the matter favorably.”

The vote by the 193-member General Assembly was a global survey of support for the Palestinian bid to become a full UN member - a move that would effectively recognize a Palestinian state - after the United States vetoed it in the UN Security Council last month.

The assembly adopted a resolution on Friday with 143 votes in favor and nine against - including the US and Israel - while 25 countries abstained. It does not give the Palestinians full UN membership, but simply recognizes them as qualified to join.

The UAE, which presented the resolution determining that Palestine is qualified for full membership in the UN during an emergency session of the UNGA, said that it is “steadfast in its commitment to reinforcing peace and justice … and establishing an independent sovereign Palestinian State, in accordance with UN resolutions and the relevant agreements which aim to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.”

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