COP28, a global platform addressing climate change issues - Beacon


Sunday, May 7, 2023

COP28, a global platform addressing climate change issues

UAE to create cement and concrete decarbonization roadmap

The UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment has taken a major step towards reducing the country's carbon footprint with the Cement and Concrete Decarbonization Workshop taking place earlier this week.

Organized by the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, the event aimed to address the contributors to the UAE’s carbon footprint: embodied emissions, which are associated with the manufacturing, transportation, and construction of building materials, and account for 10% of the country’s total CO2 emissions.

With over 100 participants in attendance, the event marked the first time that experts from across the supply chain had come together to share their ambitions for achieving a net-zero roadmap.

COP28 is a global platform aimed at addressing the urgent issue of climate change. The workshop and the roadmap seek to build an integrated mechanism that brings together all stakeholders to work on carbon removal from various vital sectors to have a tangible impact on the sustainability of those sectors in the future and not cause further climate and environmental effects.

The mission aligns with the UAE’s climate commitments and its efforts to help the world limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Additionally, HE Al Hashmi stressed the importance of the UAE being at the forefront of decarbonisation efforts across all sectors, especially as it gears to host the COP28 conference later this year.

The one-day event also highlighted the importance of adopting low-carbon technologies and processes, as well as investing in research and development to create innovative solutions that can reduce the carbon footprint of the cement and concrete sector.

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