UAE reaffirms full solidarity with Saudi Arabia - Beacon


Saturday, August 13, 2022

UAE reaffirms full solidarity with Saudi Arabia

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation commends efficiency of Saudi security forces

A man wanted by Saudi security forces killed himself and wounded four others by detonating an explosive belt in JeddahA Pakistani citizen and three security personnel were taken to hospital, a spokesman said.

The bomber, identified as Abdullah Al Shehri, blew himself up during an attempt to arrest him in the Red Sea port city, the Saudi State Security Presidency said on Friday.

The security service said Al Shehri detonated his explosives after being spotted in the Al Samer area of Jeddah at around 10pm on Wednesday.

Following news of the bombing, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation reiterated the UAE's full solidarity with Saudi Arabia and reaffirmed its stand against all threats to the Kingdom’s security and stability.

In a statement, the ministry expressed full support to any measures taken by Saudi authorities to maintain its security and safety of its citizens and residents.

The ministry commended the vigilance and efficiency of the security forces in Saudi Arabia, during their pursuit of a wanted person in Jeddah who detonated an explosive belt during the process of his arrest, resulting in the injury of a number of security officials and a resident. The statement expressed wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured.

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